Luke Severeid

Luke Severeid


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About Luke Severeid

Luke Severeid is a hill-hiking, metal-music-loving, chrome-dome-having stand-up comedian from Seattle, WA. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest with the plaids and IPA-fueled husk to prove it, he has spent the last decade yelling jokes all over the US and Canada, and recently relocated to the East Coast, landing in the sufficiently hilly & silly Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Luke’s comedic style has been described as insightfully idiotic, aggressively absurd, and most accurately, unmedicated ADHD in action. Besides looking identical to your favorite bouncer/bass player, Luke was also recently in the Big Sky Comedy Festival, a semifinalist in the Seattle and San Francisco International Comedy Competition, and a winner of Best Comedy Film at HUMP! Film Festival. Millions have enjoyed his stand-up videos online, and no matter who you are or where you’re from, he is GUARANTEED to get a giggle or two out of you.