About A Fresh Pair of Jays!
Jevon Westmoland (St.Louis, Missouri) is an American comedian, actor, host, and writer (End of the Bench). Jevon presents comedy that reaches multigenerational audiences by taking them on a clean comedic journey via storytelling. He has had the fortunate opportunity to perform beside comedic legends like Melanie Comarcho; while also remaining on the pulse of trending comedic talents, hosting, and performing with Reena Calm, Vikram Balaji, and Mike E. Winfield (America Got Talent). Jevon is quietly becoming a big voice in comedy. @jevon314
Jason Jenkins (Peoria, Illinois) is an American comedian, actor, social media influencer and writer. Jason presents day-to-day experiences in a witty, clever, in-your-face style of comedy. Jason has been crowned “Funniest in Peoria” and performed in “New Kings & Queens of Comedy” produced by Walter Latham (Kings of Comedy & Queens of Comedy). Jason has delivered joke-for-joke with heavy hitters ranging from DeRay Davis, and Ali Siddiq to comedic legend Paul Mooney. Jason Jenkins is a comic genius who will have you holding your side from laughter. @comedianjasonjenkins
Catch Jevon & Jason host their podcast “A Fresh Pair of Jays” which can be found on all streaming platforms!